Marketing Blog 3 - The use of target market research

So what is a target market? According to

target market refers to a group of customers to whom a company wants to sell its products and services, and to whom it directs its marketing efforts. Consumers who make up a target market share similar characteristics including geography, buying power, demographics, and incomes. (Investopedia, 2020)

I had to come up with 3 target personas for the game to help me see what kind of people would play the game and their thoughts and feelings on it coming from their background. I made 3 people, each with varying amounts of game time and other info, trying to make them all very different from eachother. The target market for my game is just payers 12+, and with a focus on a mature theme so more mature players. 

The first person, Janet, is a casual gamer. She doesn't play games very often, only to pass time if she is bored, and she doesnt have much time. This will help me to see how people that aren't very tech savvy and aren't too familiar with gaming will be with the game and try to understand their wants and needs such as accessability, tutorials and such. 

The second person, Jamie, is a younger gamer who plays games fairly often when he can,  playing with friends and to get highscores and such. This will help me to see how younger audiences will see the game. He is closer to the bottom end of the intended ages of 12+ so will also help gague if I'm on track with that and if the game is still too easy/hard.

The third person, James, is the more hardcore gamer of the 3. He plays games daily, and will be the most criticle of the 3 when it comes to the game and their thoughts on it. This viewpoint from a more hardcore gamer will help with seeing how the longevity of the game can be, and how good it is at keeping the most hardcore g amers interested in the game. 

Investopedia. (2020). Target Markets: What Everyone Should Know. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Feb. 2020].

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